Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Valley House needs your Help
I love the Christmas season. It is wonderful time to give back to those who need it . I started a little project in October collecting item for the Valley House. I used coupons to buy item that were free or close to free. Most of the item are travel size but every little bit helps.
I called the Valley House to see what the really need. The manger their was very touched to have some extra help. They are in need of bedding and dishes. They will take whatever you have of these items.
As woman come to the house the usually have no item with them. The house provides them with a safe place and fresh start. The have twelve studio type apartments that need to be furnished each time a woman comes. When she feels confident to leave she can take the furnishings with her. They are always in need of bedding and dishes (pots pans etc).
When I hear stories like the valley house I feel compelled to help. My life has been blessed a thousand times over. I cann't want t go through my things and find bedding. We have way to many blankets and pillows. Plus I am excited to clean out my cupboards and give what extra I am not using.
IF you have anything you would like to give you please let me know and I will come and pick up. Take it over to the Valley House before christmas.
Happy Birthday to me!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
My love affair with coupons!
If did not already know I am mad in love with couponing. I have a blast finding the hottest deals. I bought almost 200.00 dollars worth of food for under $15.00. Thanks to!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Halloween Highlight!
Halloween is one of our favorite holiday! Mike and I have fun dressing up. We mostly enjoy the excitement of the kids.

Kenyon loves pirates! If you notice his foot up on its is his pegged leg!

Braylon loooovvvvvvveeeeeesssss candy. If you notice closely he has two suckers in his hands. After we were done trick-or-treating he would not let them go!!!!!!

Our ward party!

Kenyon's face cracks me up! He road his bike from house to house collecting his candy!

Mike had an AWESOME costume! He was Pee-Wee Herman.!!!!!!!!!!